The brainstorms of life from 30,000 feet

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Cruel, Cruel Joke

I was traveling back from California yesterday which is really different in that I normally return on Friday and I had to drop off my rental car at a different company (See previous post). Typically on the "Travel Days" (Sunday/Monday and Thursday/Friday) the car company and TSA are better staffed to handle the increased demand. Well on Wednesdays they are not. This of course gives yours truly time to observe.

We arrive (my consultant and I) at the rental car facility to a rather long line of people dropping their cars off. For those who don't know, you pull into this parking lot and a gentleman or lady will come by, inspect your car, see if you didn't fill up your car with gas (So they can charge you $17.00 per gallon), and then provide you a receipt. It's at this point that I start to get frustrated. I don't want to miss my flight. They only have one guy handling 20 cars and I have to admit he is the BLACKEST MAN I HAVE EVER SEEN! I mean he makes Charley Murphy (I'm Rick James...) and Wesley Snipes look Caucasian. He is taking forever on just one car and it is sucking my will to live. Finally another gentleman comes along and starts knocking off cars 5 to this guy's 1. Eventually, the very dark gentleman gets to our car and begins to check us out. As I am taking the receipt from him, I notice his name tag and try not to double take, stare, or laugh.

We begin to head for the bus to take us to the terminal and I ask my consultant, "Did you see his name tag?" The consultant says "No". I begin to laugh and say "His name was Albino!" What a cruel, cruel joke... I mean the only thing worse would be for his parents to name him Saltine. Just brutal!


Blogger Me said...

So funny Scott! I had to relay this story to Mike the other night, but I couldn't tell it nearly as well as you wrote it! It still cracked him up though!

2:08 PM


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