The brainstorms of life from 30,000 feet

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cha Ching!!

Ok, That was a quick fast. I feel better and yes it was a shameless ploy for some Comment-lovin'. But I wanted to pass this along to my audience (all four of you).

I didn't some searching and the Travel Size One and I got bupkis, but I found where my uncle is owed like four hundy... I sent the link to his 17 year old son with instructions to show his dad and ask for a percentage based on finders fee and following through with the unclaimed property. I figure that'll get him 50%. Knowing my uncle, he'll take the rest and put it in a savings account for the rest of his life :)

The Traveler


Blogger Alyssa said...

umm, I'm not sure you know me. I'm friends with a bunch of people you know in Houston and I think we met a couple of times back when you were in Summit...but I read your blog fairly regularly...just some more commentin' :)

6:44 PM


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