Pity Party of one...
"Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord. The world today is full of sufferers from the wasting disease which Albert Camus focused as absurdism ("life is a bad joke"), and from the complaint which we may call Marie Antoinette's fever, since she found the phrase that describes it ("nothing tastes"). These disorders blight the whole of life: everything becomes at once a problem and a bore, because nothing seems worthwhile. But absurdist tapeworms and Antoinette's fever are ills from which, in nature of the case, Christians are immune, except for occasional spells of derangement when the power of temptation presses their minds out of shape - and these, by God's mercy, do not last."
The quote above is an excerpt from Knowing God, by J.I. Packer.
As you can tell from my previous post, I was pretty disheartened by something the world saw fit to throw my way. With the prayer of a faithful wife and after reading this excerpt this morning, I am officially calling last call for the pity party. I am not saying that I am over the sting, because I don't think that would be realistic. It will not, however, keep me in the doldrums because my focus will not be on the achievements of this world or the curve balls it throws. My focus is to know God. So pity, you ain't gots to go home, but you gots to get the heck up outta here.
The Traveler